AMETHYST: The crystal of spirituality and contentment.

·        Vibrates to the number 3.

·        Represents complete metamorphosis, by balancing intellectual, emotional and physical energies and providing a clear connection between this plane(t) and other worlds. 

·        Is a stone of meditation that opens and activates the crown chakra. 

·        Can be used to protect against psychic attack, by transmitting that negative energy to the universe, where it’s transformed into positive and loving energy. 

·        Bestows invigoration, stability, peace and strength.

·        Clears away unproductive and unkind vibrations.

·        Clears the aura, stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy within the body.

·        Helps business affairs to prosper.

·        Allows for integration of cause and effect.

·        Encourages sobriety.

·        When love is directed into the amethyst the energy within is increased and returned to the region where it is located.


·        Vibrates to the number 9.

·        Produces hunger suppression.

·        Provides access to telepathy and past-life insights.

·        Stimulates the development of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.

·        Helps to eliminate over/under activity, blockages or congested chakras.

·        Integrates physical, emotional, intellectual and etheric bodies.

·        Attunes to humanitarian pursuits.

·        Dissolves aloofness and negativity.

AQUAMARINE:  The crystal of coverage.

·        Vibrates to the number 1.

·        Stimulates, activates and cleanses the throat chakra.

·        Emits a gentle and compassionate energy.

·        Attunes to spiritual levels of awareness.

·        Provides emotional and intellectual stability.

·        Enhances rapid intellectual response.

·        Accelerates intellectual reasoning processes.

·        Provides an auric shielding property.

·        Encourages the innate ability to always be prepared.


·        Vibrates to the number 3.

·        Used primarily at the heart chakra to clear, activate and protect.

·        Balances male/female energies.

·        Aligns the intellectual, emotional, physical and auric bodies.

·        Enhances creativity.

·        Motivates activities.

·        Supports the pioneering spirit.

BLOODSTONE:   The crystal of courage and intense healing.

·        Vibrates to the number  4.

·        Helps with accepting change in energetic fields.

·        Awakens and introduces uniformity of vibrations of energy in the base, navel, sacral and heart chakras.

·        Centers and grounds the heart.

·        Balances the total body to overcome distress and anxiety.

·        Grants the mastery of physical, mental and emotional renewal.

·        Encourages the wearer to be here now – exist in the NOW.

·        Revitalization of love, relationships and friendships.

·        Allows for transmittal of practical and dispassionate guidance.

·        Instills wisdom and sensitivity.

·        Improves talents and abilities in creative and decision-making processes.

·        Dispels states of bewilderment.

·        Used in mysticism.

·        Used to facilitate access to the spiritual realms of the ancestors.

·        Directs union with the Divine/Source.

CALCITE:  A world teacher for all of humanity.

·        Vibrates to the number 8.

·        Releases electrical impulses and amplifies energy.

·        Helps mind and body to recall information acquired during astral travel and channeling. 

·        Helps the body to remember states of perfection during disease to return to perfection.

·        Brings forth a polarizing and prismatic energy.

·        Facilitates cosmic awareness.

·        Encourages appreciation of the creative forces of nature.

·        Recommended for those studying the arts and sciences.

CARNELIAN: Sends the message one is love, all must offer love.

·        Vibrates to the numbers 5 & 6.

·        Stabilizes the energy within a home.

·        Stimulates inquisitiveness and initiative.

·        Dispels indolence, passivity and apathy.

·        Useful on the first, second, third and fourth chakras.

·        Protects against envy, rage and fear.

·        Banishes sorrow.

·        Provides perceptiveness to situations.

·        Produces connection and inspiration with the spiritual worlds.


·        Vibrates to the number 9.

·        Encourages brotherhood.

·        Symbolizes benevolence and good will.

·        Alleviates hostilities, irritability and melancholy.

·        Enhances generosity, receptivity and responsiveness.

·        Provides a pathway for receiving thought transmissions.

·        Balances the energy of the body, mind, emotions and spirit.


·        Vibrates to the number 9.  

·        Activates, clears and aligns all chakras with focus on the throat, 3rd eye and Crown.  

·        Assists with changing habits and routines.  

·        Associated with opportunities and new beginnings.  

·        Considered a good luck charm.  

·        Expands the mind and opens it to higher realms.  

·        Opens the 3rd eye to visions during mediations.  

·        Balances male/female energies.  


·        Vibrates to the number 5.

·        Helps one to be attuned to the plane(t) and understand what is required for the plane(t) to heal itself.

·        Provides direction to assist one in increasing ionization of the atmosphere.

·        Helps to ease emotional heartache.

·        Eliminates negativity from within.

·        Provides renewed strength and balance.

·        Increases capacity to love.

·        Imparts energy to stabilize the home and relationships.

·        Assist in communication with spiritual forces of the plane(t).

·        Promotes and enhances physical vitality.

·        Promotes harmony by furthering understanding of others.

·        Purifies the home and environment.

CITRINE: The merchant’s crystal.

·        Vibrates to the number 6.

·        Stabilizes the emotions and encourages one to look toward the sunrise.

·        Stimulates the crown chakra.

·        Activates, opens and energizes the naval and solar plexus chakras.

·        Illuminates the energy of the root chakra.

·        Dispenses fear.

·        Promotes radiance from within.

·        Helps with problem solving by promoting mental awareness.

·        Stimulates and accelerates awakening the mind.

·        Clears and aligns the aura and/or auric body.

·        Dissipates and transmutes negative energy.

·        Assists with acquiring and maintaining wealth.

·        Balances yin-yang energy.

·        Aligns the chakras with the ethereal plane.

·        Promotes contact with higher forces of intelligence.

·        Stimulates the intuitive self.

·        Allows for clarification of intellect and emotional problems.

·        Positively influences education, business and interpersonal relationships.

FLUORITE (RAINBOW FLUORITE):  The crystal of discernment and aptitude.

·        Vibrates to the number 7.

·        Encourages and sustains ideals of health, intellect and emotional well-being.

·        Assists in attaining the ultimate state of physical perfection.

·        Inspires the universal energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body.

·        Provides stabilizing energy.

·        Helps individuals, relationships and groups to flourish in a mutually-beneficial realm.

·        Increases the ability to concentrate.

·        Helps to discern reality and truth behind illusion.

·        Represents the ultimate mental achievement.

·        Facilitates a limitless ranges and avenues of exploration.

·        Helps impartial, detached and unbiased reasoning.

·        Produces an energy that discourages chaotic, disruptive and disorganized growth.


·        Vibrates to the number 8.  

·        Provides insight and knowing.  

·        Facilitates issues related to love, strength and courage.  

·        Promotes intuitive learning and quick response.  

·        Facilitates mediation and spiritual connections 

·        Connects with higher consciousness.  

·        Unveils your shadow (dark) self and encourages shadow work.  

·        Promotes connection of the shadow and higher self.  

·        Assists with healing work required for ascension. 

·        Provides acceptance that the Universe Source knows best and always provides.   

GARNET: The crystal of commitment and crystal of health.

·        Vibrates to the number 2.

·        Allows devotion to self, others and purpose.

·        Extracts negative energies from the chakras.

·        Transmutes energy to a beneficial stat.

·        Considered a sacred stone by American Indians, Aztecs, Mayans and African tribal elders.

·        Amplify the functions of emotional and intellectual regeneration.

·        Enhances internal fire.

·        Acts with speed.

·        Brings creative powers to the stage of implementation.

·        Incites personal magnetism.

·        Balances and stimulates the development and movement of the Kundalini from both base and crown chakras.

·        Etherically controls, monitors, adjusts and dispenses the amount of energy that is best for the system.

·        Provides for a balanced energy field around the physical body.

·        Aligns the emotional and intellectual bodies with the perfection of “All That Is.”

JASPER:  The Supreme Nurturer

·        Vibrates to the number 6.

·        A sustaining stone that represents the elemental man.

·        Keeps ones energy high.

·        Facilitates safe astral travel.

·        Protects against negativity.

·        Helps grounding to the stabilizing energy of the plane(t).

·        Stabilizes the aura.

·        Conducive to awareness.

·        Allows celebrations in isolation.

·        Worn by Shamen to provide protection.

·        Holds solar energy and connects to the solar plexus.


·        Vibrates to the number 7.

·        Removes obstacles from one’s path.

·        Dissolves negativity.

·        Used to dispel possession from outside influences and/or entities.

·        Assists in attaining deep meditative states.

·        Provides centering in all situations.

·        Dispels static un-focused energy.

·        Helps one to be open, strong, loving and vibrant.

·        Produces powerful peace.

·        Connects with infinite Source love.

·        Initiates all expressions of love: internal, external, romantic and unconditional.

KYANITE:  The meditation crystal.

·        Vibrates to the number 4.

·        Facilitates meditation.

·        Dispels energy blockages.

·        Does not require cleaning or clearing, because it does not accumulate or retain negative vibration or energy.

·        Aligns all chakras immediately and automatically.

·        Brings whole-being tranquility.

·        Useful when accessing the astral plane and when connecting with your guides.

·        Balances yin-yang energies.

·        Promotes dream-solving and recollection.

·        Provides access for solutions, while in the dream state.

LABRADORITE: The temple of the stars (aka the matriarch of the subconscious mind)

·        Vibrates to the number 6 & 7.

·        Inspires teaching of other worlds.

·        Brings recognition to inherent analytical and rational abilities.

·        Facilitates transformations.

·        Enhances patience and knowing the right time.

·        Allows recognition of Beings of Light.

·        Unites the self with innerstanding.

·        Promotes originality and precision.

·        Symbolizes the sun and the moon.

·        Helps advancement, progression and ascension.

·        Provides sense of self and vitality.

·        Provides innerstanding of one’s destiny.

·        Transforms intuition into intellectual thought.

LAPIS LAZULI:  The crystal of total awareness.

·        Vibrates to the number 3.

·        Assists with gaining admission to the domain of esoteric ideas and the unknown mysteries of sacred texts.

·        Enhances the wisdom to understand information.

·        Allows access to and the ability to explore esoteric planetary knowledge.

·        Protects and shelters from psychic attacks and physical danger.

·        Furthers the connection between male and female attributes on the plane(t).

·        Assists with balancing yin-yang energies.

·        Assists with organization of one’s life, daily routines and activities.

·        Stimulates physical, emotional and physical clarity and purity.

·        Assists in attuning to the creative Source.

·        Promotes insight to a structured plan to help upward evolution toward the light of total unification with “All That Is.”

·        When placed over the third-eye it aids in developing insight into your dreams.

·        Helps one to remain objective about the subjective.

·        Provides stimulus to the process of reasoning.

·        Reinforces the acceptance of knowing.

·        Activates and energizes the throat and third-eye chakras.

·        Promotes connection between the physical plane and the celestial kingdom.

·        Represents the forces of initiation into the realms of wisdom and mysticism.

MALACHITE:  The crystal of transformation.

·        Vibrates to the number 9.

·        Used as a protective stone.

·        Represents love and fidelity.

·        Helps acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions.

·        Acts as an equalizing and balancing agent.

·        Clears and activates all chakras.

·        Stimulates the heart and throat chakras.

·        Allows for release of negative experiences.

MOONSTONE (RAINBOW MOONSTONE): The traveler’s crystal (protects against perils of travel)

·        Vibrates to the number 4.

·        A stone for feeling via intuition and thoughts.

·        Stimulates intuitive recognition.

·        Enhances perception and discernment.

·        Stimulates rejuvenation.

·        Brings calmness coupled with awareness.

·        Brings happiness to the environment.

·        A talisman of good fortune.

·        Protects against perils of travel.

·        Cleanses negativity from the chakras.

·        Enhances the feminine aspects of one’s nature.

·        Provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance.

·        Brings accessibility to evolved galactic energies.

·        Helps acknowledgement of changing cycles.

·        Assists with innerstanding of your destiny.

·        Relates to new beginnings.

·        Lunar: balancing, introspective and reflective.

·        Stone for hopes and wishes.

·        Absorbs what’s needed from the universe.


·        Vibrates to the number 1.

·        Shields against negativity.

·        Dispels unloving thoughts from within or without.

·        Useful in healing.

·        Grounds by providing a connection from the base of the spine to the heart of the plane(t).

·        Protects from physical and/or emotion harm.

·        Stabilizes internal and external energies.


·        Vibrates to the number 8.

·        Awakens mystical and psychic qualities.

·        Assists in becoming invisible where you do not wish to be noticed.

·        Strengthens memory.

·        Instills loyalty and faithfulness.

·        Furthers true and spontaneous action.

·        Helps one to feel creativity.

·        Amplifies traits and characteristics.


·        Vibrates to the number 3.

·        Symbolizes the warmth of the sun.

·        Acts as a defensive and preventative shield from many forms of negative energy.

·        Assists in seeing behind facades (masks, veils, etc.).

·        Promotes knowing of motivation of words and actions.

·        Stimulates the intellect.

·        Enhances memory and recall of relevant information.

·        Sustains and encourages ideal health, intellect and emotional well-being.

·        Promotes recall of beautiful memories of love and friendship.

·        Helps to prevent all forms of negative vibrations.

·        Works to allay physical danger.

QUARTZ (CLEAR QUARTZ): The Crystal of Power.

·        Vibrates to the number 4.

·        Used to amplify energy and thoughts.

·        Assists in the creation of power for the good of all.

·        Used to dispel static electricity.

·        Provides for conversion and re-direction of energy towards a beneficial state.

·        Brings the energy of the stars into the soul.

·        Can be used to communicate with minerals, plants, animals and intelligent forces outside the physical dimension.

·        Used to facilitate speaking with and receiving information from spiritual and other-worldly masters, teachers and healers.

·        Used to transform thoughts into sound.

·        Produces vibration associated with the environmental energy.

·        Creates altered states of consciousness.

·        Serves as a vehicle for reaching and utilizing talents and abilities of the mind.

·        Provides for enhanced energy.

·        Promotes restful sleep, perseverance and patience.

·        Used to clear and activate energy centers of the body.

·        Attunes well to the heart and third-eye chakras.

·        Can be used to activate the crown chakra.

·        Produces a clear pathway for access to the realm of spirituality and the movement of the Kundalini.

·        Provides for purification of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

·        Heals negativity associated with perspective and judgment.

·        Can be used to focus on the inner negativity to stimulate positive thoughts and feelings.

·        Produces a force-field of healing.

·        Acts as a physical and mental energizer.

·        Enhances and protects the aura.

·        Provides for amplification of the energy field of the body.

·        Pointing the crystal up channels energy into the upper chakras and is beneficial for prayer, meditation, studying and tests taking.

·        Pointing the crystal down has a grounding effect to have one attuned with the world.

ROSE QUARTZ:  Stimulates Love – the true life energy (aka the crystal of gentle love)

·        Vibrates to the number 7.

·        Spiritually attunes to the energy of love.

·        Balances yin-yang energy.

·        Rejuvenates physical and emotional bodies.

·        Heals emotional wounds.

·        Emits a cool and calm energy.

·        Reinstates self-love.

·        Brings peace and calm to relationships.


·        Vibrates to the number 8.

·        Provides for clarity of mind.

·        Expands awareness of self and surroundings.

·        Used to access past and future lives.

·        Used to assist in the acquisition of business pursuits.

·        Assists in issues of judgment, by promoting justice during adjudication of disputes.

·        Provides insight.

·        Used as a sharp sword of awareness.

·        Cuts through unconscious assumptions.

·        Promotes reconnection of the conscious and mystic selves.

·        Provides flexibility to one’s nature and strength to one’s decisions.

·        Allows one to see superficial and deeper meanings in situations.


·        Vibrates to the number 8.

·        Stimulates an opening in the pathway the Kundalini travels.

·        Can be used to clear the clouded areas of the chakras.

·        Stimulates the crown chakra.

·        Enhances the meditative state.


·        Vibrates to the numbers 2 & 8.

·        A stone of cooperation.

·        Promotes pride and joy.

·        Activates survival instincts and institution.

·        Provides protection by creating a barrier of energy.

·        Regulates creativity and business acumen.

·        A grounding stone.

·        Balances yin-yang energy.

·        Balances the spirit and mental energies.

·        Refines vibratory energies when meditating.

·        Initiates a potent force field that absorbs negativity.

·        Clears mental channels.

·        Dissolves negative blockages and energies.

·        Allows positive frequencies to enter.

·        Attunes to the solar plexus and chakras at the hands and feet.


·        Vibrates to the number 4.

·        Provides access to the sacred laws of the universe.

·        Enhances truthfulness in emotions.

·        Provides for fellowship, solidarity and commonality of goals and purpose within a group.

·        Facilitates the manifestation of the qualities of companionship and mutual development.

·        Encourages self-esteem and self-trust.

·        Provides for direction of purpose.

·        Provides for rational mental processes.

·        Helps to eliminate confusion.


·        Vibrates to the number 1.

·        Dissipates fearfulness.

·        Alleviates stress.

·        Increases vitality.

·        Encourages independence and originality.

·        Provides luck in games.

·        Gently removes hook-ups that infiltrated the energy centers, by returning them to Source.

·        Used to clear and energize the chakras.


·        Vibrates to the number 4.

·        Brings awareness of personal and other’s needs.

·        Produces soothing vibrations.

·        Attunes one to the connectedness of all on the plane(t).

·        Releases introversion and fear.

·        Balances yin-yang energy.

·        Eliminates the blues and brings optimism to the user.

·        Contains solar energy to assist with psychic processes and promotes intuitive impressions.

·        Helps to discipline sexual and emotional life at the base/root chakra.

·        Enhances psychic abilities to attune the third-eye.

·        Helps those seeking clarity.

·        Helps bringing scattered details into an intelligent pattern.

·        Synthesizes the energies of the Sun and plane(t).

·        Resonates to the frequencies of the plane(t).

·        Vibrates to peacefulness.

TOPAZ:  The crystal of true love and success in all endeavors.

·        Vibrates to the number 3.

·        Promotes individuality and creativity.

·        Promotes expression of ideas and instills trust in the universe.

·        Acts through the laws of attraction and manifestation.

·        Transcends time and space.

·        Instrumental in visualization, meditation and projection.

·        Prompts willingness to act.

·        Stimulates the throat chakra.

·        Allows seeing all things as equally important.

·        Assists in bringing the body, mind and spirit into union with the universe.


·        Vibrates to the numbers 3 and 4.

·        Used to repel and protect against negativity.

·        Provides for an increase in physical vitality, emotional stability and intellectual acuity.

·        Maintains ones spirits evenly thru conditions of doom and gloom.

·        Protects against negative spells cast by another.

·        Energizes the intended victim of spells by increasing well-being.

·        When black tourmaline includes mica, it returns the spell to the originating source (returns to sender).

·        Used to activate grounding between the first chakra and the center of the plane(t).

·        Provides protection against those in the spirit world and physical world that are not of love and light.

TURQUOISE (HUBEI TURQUOISE): Master healer of the Spirit.

·        Vibrates to the number 1.

·        Emanates purifying energy.

·        An anti-negativity stone – dissipates negativity.

·        Stimulates romantic love.

·        Induces innerstanding and wisdom.

·        Facilitates oral and written communication.

·        Balances fe/male characteristics.

·        Brings spiritual and mental clarity.

·        Increases psychic powers.

·        Attunes movement between the spiritual and physical.

·        Provides strength and protection during astral travel and vision quests.

·        Brings protection and valor on the spiritual and etheric planes.

·        Provides a knowing to the subconscious mind

·        Grounds during deep meditation.

·        Allows for application of love in all issues.

·        Strengthens and aligns all chakras. 

ZOISITE (RUBY IN ZOISITE): Magical awareness

·        Vibrates to the number 4.

·        Increases awareness of individuality.

·        Allows connection to humanity.

·        Creates altered states of consciousness.

·        Serves as a tool for reaching and utilizing abilities and talents of the mind.

·        Enhances contact with etheric bodies.

·        Stimulates the crown chakras toward spirituality.

·        Transmutes negative energies into positive.

·        Dispels idleness and laziness.

·        Directs connection to the celestial.

·        Facilitates advancement in all areas of life.