
Crystals are mineral gifts of the plane(t) whose energies can assist you with development in all areas of your life. There are revered in many cultures, ancient and modern, as well as religions.  Crystals have many properties, including producing electricity and/or light via compression that releases electrons and produces vibration.  Some crystals inherently heat, cool, attract or repel.  These “universal energies” are tools that can help you manifest, alchemize and ascend to align with your purpose and attune with your higher-self, because everything is energy. 

You acquire crystals at the perfect time.  It is recommended that you dedicate your crystal by holding it and projecting the highest-vibrations of love, light and good for all.  They can be cleaned, if required, by:

·        Soaking in sea salt for several hours up to 24 hours, rinsing with water and energizing with the sun.  

·        Placing the crystal on selenite for half a day to a full day (24 hours).

·        Flashing a beam of white light (laser) thru the crystal.

·        Cleaning it in sea water, spring, river, lake or tap water then energizing in the sun.

·        Soaking it in flour or brown rice for a day (24 hours).  (Note: the rice is purified, energized and can be eaten after use).

Crystals should be awakened by prayer bells and/or singing bowls or by impacting them on sand near beaches.  You may choose to charge crystals in the sun, moons (including new and full) and on days of summer and winter solstices, as well as, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.

Next, pre-program your crystals for protection of and within the Highest Light so that Source will ensure your use and manifestations are for the good of all.  Conclude with programming each, if desired, for a specific purpose, by holding it in your left (receiving) hand and formulate an affirmation and/or phrase, repeating it for up to thirty (30) times that describes the nature of programming and/or your intent to build an energy field and pattern to reflect the desired program and outcome.  Allow Universal Source Love to do the rest by exploring the universe within you.

In Etheric Energy,

Eureka Elementals