Ancestral Altars

Modern life has caused us to be separated from self and from our ancestors. We have vibrant memories and visions of passed loved ones, which is why we miss them when they are gone in the physical realm.

“Exploring the Universe Within You”, includes doing ancestral work, because our ancestors live within us. 

Why Should You Have An Altar?

Having an ancestral altar in your home creates a sacred space that bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.  It is highly recommended that you work with and/or call upon your benevolent ancestors to protect and guide you in all areas of your life.

Are you aware that many of your inherent talents, abilities and gifts are given to you by your benevolent ancestors? Thank them for loving, protecting, guiding and gifting you and express your love for them often with your ancestral altars, because your ancestors are your true BFFs.  You never walk alone, you are loved and you are never lonely!

The following is a list of items needed for your altar, as well as guidelines.  It is not all-inclusive.  Rather, the intent is to make your ancestral altar unique to you and your family, as it should represent a vibrant celebration of life that guides you to having and maintaining your best life:

·       Select a table or space, preferably in the heart of the home (living room, kitchen).

·       Put up photos of passed over loved ones that you personally had a positive relationship with or heard wonderful stories about as a child (benevolent ancestors).  If you do not have photos, you can write their names and put it on your altar.

·       Add the four elements to the table:  such as, a plant and/or crystals for earth in the west, incense for air in the north, a white candle for fire in the east and a glass of water (changed twice a week) in the south.  

·       Add personal items or memorabilia associated with each benevolent ancestor.

·       Add cultural items associated with your peoples and/or tribe.

·       If you wish to have an item of yours (crystal necklace, jewelry, etc.) protected by your ancestors, considering leaving it, after purchase, on your altar, and putting it on, when leaving your home, for added spiritual protection.  Upon return to your home, take the item off and return it to the altar.

·       Celebrate family milestones (birthdays, anniversaries), as well as, spiritual festivities by placing foods, drinks, flowers, etc. on the table.  (Note: any perishable item should be removed within 48-72 hours or before they decay).

·       Play music that your benevolent ancestors loved or enjoyed.

·       Add items that feed the spirits such as sweets, rum, cakes, fruit, cigars and other items your spirit guides encourage you to leave on the altar for your benevolent ancestors.

·       Consider burning ancestral money on joss paper (a/k/a spirit money) in a safe container, cauldron or fireproof bowl, in a well-ventilated place (outside is preferable), to assist your benevolent ancestors with any issues in the afterlife to facilitate their transition or transformation, which includes karmic debts, that may preclude them from ascending.

·       Make the spirit money offering with your right (giving) hand and recite an affirmation with each offering.  Please research as to the best affirmation.  However, a simple offering/affirmation such as “I/We, _____ offer this to all benevolent ancestors in full merit, measure, value and power” then lighting the spirit money and envisioning ancestors receiving the offering on the other side (spiritual realm) works.

·       Spirit money offers can be made as often as you or your spirit guides deem necessary.

·       Consider your ancestral altar a space for you to spend time with benevolent ancestors daily – talk to them and engage.  Honoring your benevolent ancestors, helps you to honor yourself and assists you and them to ascend.